Inspiring Sustainability & Creative Exchange

My work involves applying creative approaches to engage with socio-environmental issues, mostly through directing and co-producing multi-year projects. Some of these are environmental communications and sustainability research projects, networked across Europe and North America. Others are place-based human security efforts located in fragile areas, where people live under extreme stress with low citizenship expectations in resource-scarce environments. My strengths lie in harnessing resources, building coalitions, and offering services to help people and institutions connect and galvanize in authentic ways to achieve set goals over time. This means envisioning inspiring ways to design and innovate projects through creative strategizing, visionary planning, and unique action frameworks. My wide skill set comes from years of experience directing diverse forms of social, environmental, cultural, and artistic exchanges. I also have a solid track record in leading a variety of distinctive organizations and networked collaborations around the globe. As a writer, researcher, action practitioner and media communications specialist with a background in the arts and scholarship, I have a rare ability to think, plan and produce work in a variety of networked and place-based contexts across a range of fields and disciplines.

  • Field Actions
  • Case Study Reports
  • Workshops
  • Media Communications & Arts