Renewable Energy, Solar Power, Micro-Entrepreneurship, Women Empowerment, Microfinancing

Solar Energy, Bangalore

Many of India’s slums have no access to the local energy grid, which forces residents to rely on kerosene. The results of this dependency perpetuate poverty and ill-health. Family income is eaten up by the cost of kerosene, and children cannot do their homework after the sun sets. The Pollinate Group provides training to local micro-entrepreneurs, including women entrepreneurs who serve hard to reach families living on less than US$1.90 a day, who buy locally manufactured solar home lighting systems and then sell them to families in their low-income communities. Families have access to microfinance programs, eliminating a requirement to purchase the system up front.  More than 10,000 people living in Bangalore’s slums are now using the solar systems. The project has saved 40,000 liters of kerosene and 100,000 kgs of carbon emissions.